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Homemade Coca Cola Recipe

A Healthy, Natural and Super Simple Homemade Cola Recipe!

by wsg team
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Homemade Coca Cola Drink Recipe

Make your own cola at home with this easy, quick, healthy, and natural recipe that requires just a few common household ingredients!

Despite its famous secret formula, the commercial cola contains artificial colors, synthetic flavors, aspartame, and excessive sugar—ingredients that are far from natural. Additionally, the packaging of these sodas, often found littering our environment, highlights the need for more sustainable options. This homemade cola recipe offers a way to enjoy a classic beverage while minimizing your ecological footprint.

But first.

A Brief look at the History of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is the most famous soda globally, and its history is as fascinating as its flavor. According to the 2020 Interbrand survey, Coca-Cola is ranked as the 6th most powerful brand in the world. This iconic beverage was invented in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886 by John Stith Pemberton, a 54-year-old pharmacist and botanist. The creation of Coca-Cola coincided with significant historical events, including the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty in New York and a local prohibition movement in Atlanta.

Pemberton’s initial concoction, known as “French Wine Coca,” was a blend of French wine, coca leaves, kola nuts, and damiana. However, due to the prohibition laws in Atlanta, he was forced to alter his formula. The wine was replaced with essential oils, and sugar and citric acid were added to balance the flavors. This new formula, which retained coca leaf extracts (though the addictive ingredient was removed in 1903), was marketed as Coca-Cola.

On January 1, 1886, Pemberton founded the Pemberton Chemical Company in partnership with Frank Robinson, who is credited with naming the drink and designing its distinctive cursive logo. Coca-Cola was first served at Jacobs’ Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. Customers experienced the new caramel-colored syrup mixed with sparkling water, sold for 5 cents per glass. The iconic Contour glass bottle would not be introduced until 1916.

Despite its initial promise, Coca-Cola faced slow sales. By the end of the first year, sales had barely surpassed $50. On June 6, 1887, Pemberton registered his trademark and became the sole owner of the brand. He purchased bright red wooden barrels for delivery, a nod to Coca-Cola’s iconic color. Unfortunately, Pemberton’s health issues, including addiction to morphine and stomach cancer, led him to sell the rights to Coca-Cola to Asa Griggs Candler and other investors for $2,300 by the end of 1887.

Under Candler’s leadership, Coca-Cola’s success skyrocketed. His innovative marketing strategies resulted in a 4000% increase in sales between 1890 and 1900. On May 1, 1889, Candler published a full-page advertisement in The Atlanta Journal, proclaiming Coca-Cola as “delicious, refreshing, euphoric, stimulating.” By September 5, 1919, Coca-Cola was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and by the turn of the century, Coca-Cola’s revenue had reached $37 billion.

Now, let’s get to my easy cola drink recipe.

But, Why Make Your Own Cola At Home? Why Bother?

Well, you may think that making a full blown coca cola at home would require a lot of resources, lab high tech and money, but in reality the preparations pretty simple and affordable. You only need natural and mostly common herbs, spices/ fruits(or their corresponding essential oils) and few other plain ingredients like water and ice (can’t get more plain than that really).

Below I will share 2 recipes for homemade cola, one very simple to make with just a few ingredients and another with much more ingredients that will more closely resemble the real coca cola you can find in pretty much any local grocery store. You may even be surprised to find that your homemade version is much better than the store bought drink.

So, here we go.

First Version: Easy 4 Ingredient Homemade Coca Cola Recipe

Ingredients for One Bottle:

  • 1 small bunch of fresh coriander
  • 4 tablespoons of dark honey (for a richer, more cola-like color)
  • 3 organic yellow lemons
  • Sparkling water (store-bought or homemade, without added sugars)

Utensils Needed:

  • 1 saucepan
  • 1 fine strainer or mesh sieve
  • 1 funnel (optional)
  • 1 glass bottle of at least 750 ml with a rubber seal (or a recycled soda bottle with a cap)

Preparation Steps:

  1. Caramelize the Honey: Begin by heating the honey in a saucepan over low heat for several minutes. Once you see the first bubbles, let it simmer for no more than 2 minutes until it turns a beautiful brown color. This step is crucial for replicating the caramelized flavor found in traditional cola.
  2. Prepare the Coriander: Rinse and drain the coriander leaves, then chop them coarsely. Add the chopped coriander to the caramelized honey and mix thoroughly.
  3. Juice the Lemons: Squeeze the lemons to extract their juice. Cut the remaining peels into pieces and add both the juice and the peels to the pan with the honey and coriander. Continue heating over low heat for a few more minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Strain the Syrup: Pour the resulting syrup through a fine strainer into a large glass or directly into a bottle using a funnel. Allow the syrup to cool before moving on to the next step.
  5. Add Sparkling Water: Fill the bottle with sparkling water. You can use store-bought sparkling water or make your own at home using baking soda and apple cider vinegar. There are also natural sources of sparkling water, such as springs in the Alps or Auvergne.
  6. Seal and Mix: Close the bottle tightly to preserve the carbonation. Gently shake the bottle to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Store the cola in the refrigerator and enjoy it chilled. It should last for a few weeks, or until the bubbles dissipate.


Second Version

Full Flavor & Rich 17 Ingredient Homemade Coca Cola Recipe

homemade cola drink recipe

Now this is a more like the store bought coka as it has much more herbs and spices. And we all know the real coca cola has a gazillion ingredients in it, which is one of the reasons it’s so hard to be reproduced. Want to surprise your loved ones with a distinctive and refreshing drink? Learn how to make your own homemade Coca-Cola with this straightforward and flavorful recipe!

This will be enough to make you about 2 yo 2.5 liters of homemade cola. You can adjust it accordingly and dilute if the flavor is too strong.

Ingredients for the cola syrup:

  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 85 g of coconut sugar (about 1/2 cup)
  • 125 ml of warm water (about 1/2 cup)
  • Zest and juice of 1/3 of a yellow lemon(or 1.00 ml lemon oil)
  • Zest and juice of 1/3 of an orange(or 3.50 ml orange oil)
  • Zest and juice of 1/3 of a lime (or 2.75 ml lime oil)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • A small pinch of cinnamon ( or a drop of cinnamon oil)
  • A pinch of nutmeg (or 1.00 ml nutmeg oil)
  • A pinch of coriander powder (or 0.25 ml coriander oil)

[optional, but if added will make for full flavored real coca cola drink experience]

  • 1.25 ml cassia oil
  • 0.25 ml neroli oil
  • 0.25 ml lavender oil
  • 10.0 g gum arabic
  • 3.50 tsp.  citric acid or 75% phosphoric acid( very optional and not really recommended if you are health conscious, I personally prefer citric acid as fully natural option)
  • 2.36 kg plain granulated white table sugar
  • 0.50 tsp. caffeine (optional)
  • 30.0 ml caramel color or homemade caramel syrup(as given below)

For diluting and making large batch (2-2.5 liters of cola)

  • 2.28 l Sparkling water or lemonade (or make a homemade carbonated water as given below)
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • Lemon slices (optional)

Preparation Steps:

  1. Prepare the Caramel Syrup: In a saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar over low heat without stirring until it turns into caramel. Once the caramel is achieved, add 85 g of coconut sugar and 125 ml of warm water. Cook the mixture over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally until the sugars are fully dissolved and the syrup is smooth.
  2. Incorporate Citrus and Flavors: To the caramel syrup, add the zest and juice of 1/3 of a yellow lemon(or lemon oil), 1/3 of an orange, and 1/3 of a lime. Stir in 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, a small pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg, and a pinch of coriander powder. Bring the mixture to a boil and let it simmer for an additional 5 minutes, allowing the flavors to blend well.
  3. Strain and Cool: Remove the saucepan from heat. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve or strainer to remove any zest and solid particles. Pour the strained syrup into a clean bottle or jar and allow it to cool completely before using.
  4. Serve Your Homemade Cola: To enjoy your homemade Coca-Cola, pour a desired amount of the cooled syrup into a glass. Top it off with sparkling water or lemonade, depending on your preference. Add ice cubes if desired and garnish with a slice of lemon for an extra touch of freshness.
  5. Experiment: You can make a bold move and add some concentrated coffee or espresso, that’ll add an even extra punch to your awesome homemade cola drink.

And there you have it—a healthy and natural homemade cola, ready in less than 15 minutes!

Make the Caramel Simple Syrup

Make Caramel Simple Syrup by boiling sugar


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup water, divided
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


Caramelize the Sugar:

    • In a medium saucepan, add the sugar and 1/4 cup of water. Stir just to moisten the sugar, then place the saucepan over medium heat.
    • Cook the sugar-water mixture without stirring. You can gently swirl the pan to ensure even heating.
    • Watch closely as the sugar dissolves and begins to caramelize, turning a golden amber color. This will take about 5-7 minutes.

Add Water:

    • Once the sugar reaches a deep amber color, carefully remove the pan from the heat.
    • Slowly and carefully add the remaining 1/4 cup of water to the caramelized sugar. The mixture will bubble up vigorously, so be cautious.
    • Return the pan to low heat and stir until the caramel is fully dissolved into the water, creating a smooth syrup.

Flavor the Syrup:

    • If desired, stir in the vanilla extract to add a touch of extra flavor.

Cool and Store:

    • Let the caramel simple syrup cool slightly in the saucepan.
    • Transfer it to a clean jar or bottle and allow it to cool completely before sealing.
    • Store the syrup in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


  • Consistency: If you prefer a thicker syrup, you can reduce the amount of water added after caramelizing the sugar. For a thinner syrup, add more water.
  • Color: Keep a close eye on the sugar while it caramelizes to avoid burning it. The darker the caramel, the richer the flavor of your cola syrup, but be careful not to let it burn.
  • Use: Aside from being an important ingredient in your homemade coca cola drink, this syrup is perfect for sweetening coffee, tea, cocktails, or even drizzling over desserts like pancakes, waffles, or ice cream.

Make your own Homemade Carbonated Water (Soda alternative)


  • 5 U.S. gallons of water
  • 1.5 cups sugar (or sugar syrup)
  • 1 teaspoon dry bread yeast (rehydrated)


  1. Mix and Bottle:
    Combine the 3 ingredients and fill each bottle two-thirds full with the water, yeast and sugar mixture. Screw on the caps tightly.
  2. Fermentation:
    Let the bottles sit for one to two weeks at room temperature. During this time, the yeast will ferment the sugar, producing carbonation.
  3. Add Syrup:
    Each weekend, measure out and add the syrup to a few bottles. Top off the bottles with water.
  4. Refrigerate:
    Place the bottles in the fridge to chill before serving.

I experimented with adding dry sugar directly to the bottles, but it caused excessive foaming. Using sugar syrup gives better results and is quicker to prepare.

Tips and Advice:

  • If you prefer a darker shade for your homemade cola, consider using very dark mountain honey or maple syrup.
  • While this organic and natural cola won’t replicate the exact chemical profile of classic Coca-Cola, it provides a close approximation. Feel free to adjust the ingredients to suit your taste preferences.
  • For an authentic presentation, you can collect stamped glass bottles from bars, cafes, or restaurants. Save the caps you open gently to use for sealing your homemade cola.

Did You Know? The ancestor of Coca-Cola has French origins! The most popular soda among 10-25 year olds today traces its roots back to a Corsican pharmacist who invented Vin Mariani (or Mariani wine), a precursor to modern cola.

This early beverage contained alcohol (red wine) and coca leaves, and was sold in pharmacies for its supposed medicinal properties.

Now, you can create your own version—minus the alcohol and coca leaves!

Easy Homemade Coca Cola drink Recipe

Do you have any other recipes for homemade, organic, and natural cola? Share your eco-friendly and zero-waste creations with us in the comments!

Try making your own version of this iconic beverage and enjoy a taste of history with a modern twist. Your homemade Coca-Cola will be a delightful treat and a great conversation starter!

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